Statistical package R

Image UMH Master's degree in Research in Clinical Medicine

Statistical package R

R is an elegant statistical and graphical programming language.

If you are user of packages such as SAS, SPSS, Stata, or Systat
why not use R?
  1. It is free. If you are a professor or a student, the benefits are obvious.
  2. It is executable on a variety of platforms including Windows, Unix, and MacOS.
  3. It provides a platform for programming of new statistical methods in a simple way.
  4. It contains advanced statistical routines that are not yet available in other packages.
  5. It generates powerful graphic updated with the state of the art

The professor of the Dept. public healthEva María Navarrete Muñoz has made a few videos Cattail communities of R and R-Commander that you can see the following playlist of youtube

In addition, it has some interesting pages on the R program, which recommends:
  • Official website of R ( On the official website of R you can find all the information about this program package, manual updates,…
  • Blog Quick-R ( Useful blog for users or potential users of R. Quick-R was created for users experienced in other packages statistical as SAS, SPSS, Stata, and Systat. The purpose of the site is to help achieve quick access to this language. It is assumed that the user should be familiar with the majority of statistical methods. In addition to provide the code necessary to start quickly the tool it orients to future learning.
  • Blog G. R. Serrano ( Blog interesting from professor G. R. Serrano with some interesting applications of R.